Christopher Byczyski and Nicole Palmieri with Grace Byczyski

Find Christopher Byczyski’s and Nicole Palmieri’s display at Solinika, 133 Sixth Street.

“Recovery is why we named her Grace.”

Everything changed four months ago when Gracie was born.

Longer than that. When we got pregnant we stopped everything. We stopped using and been clean ever since. We aren’t associated with people that are still actively using. No matter how many times we tell them we want nothing to do with that anymore, they still continue to ask us.

For us it’s huge. I’m 41 now, I started using drugs when I was about 12, so it’s been over 20 years. Coming up on a year is huge. If we weren’t clean we wouldn’t be able to have her. Slowly but surely, we’re getting our lives back together. August 29th for her will be one year and September 4th will be a year for me.

I’m not working because I breastfeed, so I stay home with her. We are living on his income right now. He can’t be alone with her because he gets seizures. Living on a fixed income, it’s hard to get basics like daycare. But I actually have a job opportunity! Fingers crossed everything works out. The only thing that would hold me back would be my past.

Recovery is why we named her Grace.

Always Made New

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